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Organic Wine Delivered to Your Door!

Opening thoughts from Didiayer.

Throughout my life, I have had the privilege of traveling the world. Getting off the beaten path has led me to some great destinations and blessed me with meeting a lot of new and interesting people. What I have discovered along the way is that my most treasured memories are about the people.

Recently while taking on a work project in San Diego, California, I had the pleasure of working with a lady who I like to call, "the real deal". I'll never forget seeing her beautiful face pop up from her desk when I first met her. I instantly knew she was a woman of love, compassion, strength, and integrity.

Over the months that I was there, I got to know her more and learned about her passion and courage in proclaiming her greatness, and not settling for "an average life" - but rather a life full of adundance.

This is where organic wine comes in! But I'll let Lindsay share that story with you.

As a savvy businesswoman, my goal is to support other women in the development and success of growing their own businesses, and in this case, if you LOVE wine, support Lindsay as she grows her small business.

Hello I'm Lindsay, and this is the true story of how I came to be The Sassy Grape Lady!

Throughout my childhood and into my adult life I’ve struggled. I’ve struggled with my weight, I’ve struggled with fitting in, I’ve struggled with standing up for myself and surviving on my own. Over the years I learned how to make excuses, how to hide my troubles, and how to fake it until I make it. In doing so, I fell on not so good times, I made some not so good choices, and I allowed others' opinions of me to dictate who I am.

Over the past 3 years, I have experienced some losses. Loss of a job, loss of family members, loss of a pregnancy, but worse... loss of who I am. Very recently, I had a realization about my current situation and lack of happiness. I physically stood in front of the mirror in my bedroom and had a full come to Jesus moment with myself. I looked at myself in the eyes and said exactly how I felt about myself. I told myself how disappointed I was, and how I knew I was capable of so much more. In doing so I’ve made changes and big changes at that... I’ve stopped. I’ve stopped listening to the demon in my head that tells me all the negative things I was told at a young age; “you’re too fat to play with us,” “you’re not pretty enough to be in the picture,” “just take this pill and you’ll lose weight.” I stopped caring about the opinions that others have of me. I stopped making excuses as to why I couldn’t. I stopped eating crappy food and chemical-filled beverages. I stopped doing all the things that I felt I needed to do because everyone said I needed to.

Then, I started. I started making little changes in my every day. I started putting ME first. I started eating better and working out, regularly. I started caring about myself and about the choices I made. I started looking at the bigger picture and saw that I was going nowhere fast if I didn’t do something NOW.

I started surrounding myself with positive people and started standing my ground. I started to love myself again. In making these choices for my sanity, as well as for my health, I had a true moment of clarity. I realized that my Corporate job was part of what was making me feel so miserable. The culture was unhealthy and I knew that to truly bring my health back to an optimal level I had to walk away. I decided to make a better life for myself and my family.

I’m a dog mom of 4 and stepmom to one sassy teenager, and I’m over the moon in love with my better half. I decided that I was going to do me and in the only way, I know-how. Authentically. I chose to read a few self-development books and boy did they light a fire! I took the advice from them and started making moves.

I joined the Clean Crafted Wine Movement and became a Wine Consultant for Scout and Cellar. I began surrounding myself with like-minded people, building my tribe within a tribe. I bought my website, and am currently building it so that folks like you can see the better side of life through a healthier glass of wine.

I have experienced such a wholesome and welcoming embrace from not only the members of my team but the company as a whole. Knowing that I’m supporting a company that supports me is making all the difference. My goal is to help others enjoy the deliciousness that Clean Crafted Wines can bring, and build a team of strong individuals who share the same passion as I do. I want to inspire and build others into the best versions of themselves. I want to leave behind a legacy that will inspire others to follow their hearts and live their dreams. I welcome you to visit my website. Feel free to look around and ask me any questions - and most importantly, if this has inspired join my tribe!

To purchase Clean Crafted Wines from The Sassy Grape Lady (Lindsay) click HERE.

Learn where Scout & Cellar grapes come from with CEO & Founder Sarah Shadonix

By buying a bottle of organic wine today you will receive a well crafted sprit and support a loving small business.



We source Clean-Crafted™ wine from all over the world, creating and bottling wildly delicious wines with an authentic sense of place, working directly with growers and producers who embody our Clean-Crafted Commitment™ in their daily practices. We walk through the vineyards, visit the cellars, share meals together. The end result? Delicious wines. Better in the bottle. Better in your glass. Better for the planet.


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