Oil & Spice and Everything that is "Naturally" Nice!
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Oil & Spice and Everything that is "Naturally" Nice!

For the past two years, we have traveled across America and back again, a few times, filming the second season of our television program At Home With Didiayer.

It was a beautiful experience. Full of up’s and down’s – with a crew, and two kids in tow.

You may have read in a past blog that my husband Christopher and I sold our Hollywood home back in 2015, and chose to upgrade to an RV. That statement is best left for another blog. Nevertheless, it changed our lives.

We got closer. At times we wanted nothing more than to be as far apart as possible. We raised a newborn in our RV, who is now two and a half – along with a now six-year-old.

We’ve lost sleep – lots of sleep. We saw new places and experienced new adventures. We met incredible people that we never got to spend enough time with.

Overall… indeed of drifting into routines, we gained each other – intimately. And through it all, we fell deeper in love with each other – gaining the communication we longed for and the community we craved to birth and call our tribe.

Now that we have successfully finished season two of At Home With Didiayer, we are now planning our next great adventure – traveling internationally.

Along with a few close friends that have become our tribe – and the message we all seek to share … The Art of Authenticity. 

I’ve found throughout our travels that the best conversations to evoke such realness is cultivated at a dinner table. Sometimes a picnic table, sometimes on the floor of our RV, around a campfire, anywhere food is the center of the gathering – conversations are ignited.

Food… we all need it, yet most of us don’t really have an intimate relationship with food. It’s sometimes pre-packaged, unrecognizable, and treated with chemicals that we wouldn’t dream of consuming if bottled up in front of us.

I’d like to begin by sharing my passion for oils and spices as I explore the journey of my love for a good culinary conversation.

I will inform you upfront that my family eats a fully vegetarian diet. We do not eat meat. No bird, pig, fish or cow’s life is sacrificed in order for us to eat healthfully and wholly. Eating a clean, fresh, plain food diet mixed with nourishing oils and spices is something I now look forward to sharing more of with you, as we begin the journey of pulling up a seat with others around the world.

Here’s a list of what I would suggest you invest in to complete your kitchen pantry. Be sure to check back soon for delicious recipes using these oils and spices!

MUST HAVE OILS: (click items for recommended products) 

• Coconut Oil

• Safflower Oil

• Grape Seed Oil

• Olive Oil


• Sea Salt

• Onion

• Chili Powder

• Tumeric Powder

• Coriander

• Ground Cumin

• Dry Mustard Seeds

• Black Pepper

• Cinnamon

• Cardamom

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